About Us

Who we are

A group of independent Arab entrepreneurs who chose to volunteer, organize, and take action to fill the gap in the humanitarian assistance reaching the victims of the ongoing genocide unfolding in Gaza. Our team is committed to overcome all types of barriers that blocks humanitarian assistance from reaching the people in need.

WFH works on an agile model, partnering with different stakeholders around the globe, who share the same values and commitments.

Our team has extensive experience in philanthropy, business, finance, logistics and media; all skills utilized towards our grassroots humanitarian work.

WFH advisory board includes medical experts and doctors who were present in Gaza and have strong knowledge of the needs and the injuries of the victims we work with.

Our Mission

The Wings For Hope project focuses on providing bionic, non static, high tech prothesis for all who have been affected by the indiscriminate carpet bombings of the Israeli army.

We can’t reach Gaza, but thousands of patient evacuees have already been evacuated from Gaza to more than 10 countries around the world.

The WFH mission is to find, locate and reach out to victims who have been evacuated out of the Gaza strip to hospitals worldwide. Our commitment is to overcome logistical and political barriers that get in the way and disrupts aid from reaching the victims.

Wings for Hope project will initially work on a priority basis for children in addition to adults whom are the sole providers for their families.

The Reality on the Ground

More than 10 children per day have lost one or both of their legs in Gaza *(Save The Children). Israeli forces have also destroyed Gaza’s only facility for manufacturing prosthetics and rehabilitation.

UNICEF estimates that a thousand children in Gaza have become amputees since the genocide began in October. The numbers are estimated to be much higher. The effects of a loss of a limb on a child physically and emotionally is devastating.

The number of child amputees carries long-term implications with them requiring follow up medical care and a change in prosthesis as they outgrow them. Due to the high manufacturing costs of available bionic prosthesis in the market, most victims do not have the means to access them.

As the devastation in Gaza continues, the only prosthetics manufacturer in Gaza has been destroyed in addition to any rehabilitation or physical therapy centers. Hence, there aren’t any assistance to be provided to any amputee patient in the Gaza Strip.

Based on this harsh reality, Wings For Hope team has adopted the strategy of locating and treating that victims who were evacuated; in this manner, the donations collected and the aid provided is 100% guaranteed to reach a direct victim of the Israeli genocide.