• Data Collection & Analysis

    The WFH logistic and legal team is dedicated to find, locate, and obtain access to evacuated patients worldwide.

    We then ensure uninterrupted access to patients to understand their needs and concerns; in order to provide the best possible solution and remedy

    We then collect & identify existing social & medical data of amputee patients for analysis.

    WFH Advisory Board then categorizes and prioritizes the cases based on their medical, physiological and socio-economic condition

  • Assessment & Planning

    Patient assessment is undergone either live and/or online. WFH medical board reviews medical reports, surgery reports, x-rays. In addition to physical and cognitive abilities assessment which is crucial for civilian blast victims with traumatic amputations.

    A holistic rehabilitation plan is designed with the help of the PMR expert at WFH, which includes a mental and physical rehabilitation plan, in addition to a pathway to a high tech prosthetic.

    A bad prosthetic means no prosthetic.

    At WFH we accompany on the years long journey with the patient to ensure full social re-integration.

  • Execution & Monitoring

    A capable production partner is identified in the country of residence of the victim, a partner able to execute the designed plan.

    With the constant contact with the medical board, each patient is assigned a social worker for each patient who ensures quality of production and fitting and patient satisfaction with the prosthetic.

    WFH works with mental health experts to educate the families on how to speak to their children, how to empower them and how to empower the children themselves to lead normal, accessible lives with the help of their bionics.